Monday, February 22, 2010

how things work :)

Pentru a nu-stiu-cata-oara in ultima perioada, mi s-a demonstrat ca nimic nu e intamplator si ca toate se leaga. Partea buna e ca am fost pe faza [dooh :P ] si.. am avut o zi super :) Probabil e adevarat ca energiile si gandurile pozitive se atrag unele pe altele ;)
As minti sa spun ca post-ul de aseara a fost optimist; dimpotriva; dar am incercat sa-mi amintesc starea avuta prima data cand am ascultat melodia: acasa; nu ma simteam ok, dar ma pregateam sa ies, iar seara se anunta, clar, ciudata. Ascultand-o prima data, m-a captat complet; imi amintesc si acum linistea pe care doar acasa o am [din cauza careia nu prea pot dormi in prima noapte la intoarcere] si peste care New Love in Town suna natural si imperturbabil; aceeasi stare de bine si de liniste am regasit-o aseara. Am adormit zambind si m-am trezit foarte usor si foarte devreme. Sub pretextul ca trebuie sa consult [stiam clar cu ce urma sa ma imbrac.. who am I fooling?? :)) ] am deschis comp-ul si am gasit cel mai fain up-date din ultima saptamana :) Ziua a fost exact cum trebuie: am stat la lucru exact cat am vrut, am trecut pe la Giorgi :) am realizat cam tot ce mi-am propus.
Probabil, continuand in ritmul asta, in w/e o sa fie destula zapada cat sa mergem la ski :)))))
Think pink !

PS: Sa vedem, acum, daca reusesc sa ma pun in pat la 23:10 ;)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Europe - New Love in Town

Official video here

Ironically, the person who recommended me this song is now "out of town". Long-term.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blue Cafe

Asta ca sa nu pun Looking for the Summer :)
..n-ar fi prea fair, avand in vedere ca in weekend vreau sa skiez.. :P

My world is miles of endless roads
That leaves a trail of broken dreams
Where have you been
I hear you say?
I will meet you at the Blue Cafe
Because, this is where the one who knows
Meets the one who does not care
The cards of fate
The older shows
To the younger one, who dares to take
The chance of no return

Where have you been?
Where are you going to?
I want to know what is new
I want to go with you
What have you seen?
What do you know that is new?
Where are you going to?
Because I want to go with you

So meet me down at the Blue Cafe

The cost is great, the price is high
Take all you know, and say goodbye
Your innocence, inexperience
Mean nothing now

Because, this is where the one who knows
Meets the one that does not care
Where have you been?
I hear you say
I'll meet you at the Blue Cafe

So meet me at the Blue Cafe

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Top Gun

Tom definitely rulz ;)

..So does Steve Stevens, who's guitar solo makes me wonder how would the Top Gun Anthem sound like. On my phone. As a ringtone :D

Guns n' Roses - This I Love

Nimic a face cu filmul. A fost cea mai decenta varianta a This I Love pe care am gasit-o pe youtube. Deocamdata.
Still browsin' :)
Great song, btw.